Waves, Jiří Mádl’s stirring shortlisted International Feature Oscar submission from Czechia, is set against the tumultuous backdrop of the Prague Spring (student rebellion of 1968) and the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. The compelling and timely film was inspired by the true story of a group of courageous journalists from the International News Office of Czechoslovak Radio who risked their freedom and lives to broadcast outside western news in addition to Soviet-influenced propaganda. At the story’s center is Tomáš (Vojtěch Vodochodský), an initially apolitical young man struggling to support his 16-year-old brother Pavel (Ondřej Stupka), who secretly steps out with fellow students to non-violently protest the communists in power. In a twist, Tomáš finds himself working as a technician for the anti-communist Czech Radio. Tomáš is soon asked to inform on his colleagues in order to keep his brother from being taken away by social services.
Tomáš’s journey is a fascinating one and Vodochodský allows the audience to empathize which each decision he must make by allowing us as far into the character’s heart and mind as possible.
The actor is a relative newcomer to cinema, hailing from an acting family. He’s a graduate of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and was part of the MASO Theatre there.
Vodochodský has played a number of Czech supporting roles on TV and has appeared in many stage productions in his native country. This is his first major film role and he more than impresses.
Waves, incredulously, is still seeking U.S. distribution.
The Contending had the pleasure of a Zoom-chat with Vodochodský.